Racing Schedules and Results
1998 Racing Schedule: (= Chelsea participated, = Ken participated)
1) 3/29/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #1,
Sandstone Ampitheatre VIP Lot, Bonner Springs, KS -
2) 5/2/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II Driver's School,
GSA Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO -
3) 5/3/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #2,
GSA Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO -
4) 6/7/98: Crown Autocross Club Event #3,
GSA Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO -
5) 6/14/98: Kansas & Kansas City Region Solo II #3,
Heartland Park Topeka Paddock, Topeka, KS -
6) 6/28/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #4,
GSA Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO -
7) 7/26/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #5,
American Royal Complex, Kansas City, MO -
8 & 9) 8/1/98 & 8/2/98: SOLOTIME Event #4 and Midwest Divisional Solo II,
Forbes Field, Topeka, KS -
10) 8/16/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #6,
GSA Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO -
11) 9/7/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #7,
American Royal Complex, Kansas City, MO -
12 & 13) 9/14/98 - 9/18/98: SCCA Solo II Nationals,
Forbes Field, Topeka, KS -
14) 10/11/98: Crown Autocross Club Event #8,
GSA Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO -
15 & 16) 10/24/98 & 10/25/98: Kansas City Championship Autocross,
Sandstone Ampitheatre VIP Lot, Bonner Springs, KS
(note: event 16 results are final results for the event) -
17) 11/1/98: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #8 "Halloweenie",
Sandstone Theatre VIP Lot, Bonner Springs, KS
1998 Results:
Event | Chelsea | Ken | Event | Chelsea | Ken |
1 | 1st! | 6th | 10 | 1st! | 1st! |
2 | school | school | 11 | 1st! | 3rd |
3 | 1st! | 1st! | 12 | did not run | 27th :-( |
4 | did not run | 2nd | 13 | did not run | 27th :-( |
5 | 1st! | 5th | 14 | did not run | did not run |
6 | 1st! | 1st! | 15 | 1st! | 2nd |
7 | 1st! | 1st! | 16 | 1st! | 2nd |
8 | did not run- | car broke | 17 | 1st! | 2nd |
9 | did not run- | car broke |
Chelsea Snyder - 1998 KCRegion SCCA Solo II "C" Street Prepared Ladies Champion
Ken Snyder - 1998 KCRegion SCCA Solo II "C" Street Prepared Champion
1999 Racing Schedule:
- 1) 3/28/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #1, Sandstone Ampitheatre VIP Lot, Bonner Springs, KS
- 2) 4/11/99: Kansas & Kansas City Region Solo II #2, Heartland Park Topeka Paddock, Topeka, KS
- 3) 4/18/99: Crown Autocross Club Event #1, Sandstone Ampitheatre VIP Lot, Bonner Springs, KS
- 4) 4/25/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #3, GSA Complex, Kansas City, MO
- 5) 5/16/99: Crown Autocross Club Event #2 (Charity Event), Truman Sports Complex, Kansas City, MO
- 6) 5/23/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #4 (Charity Event), The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
- 7) 6/27/99: Crown Autocross Club Event #3, American Royal Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO
- 8) 7/4/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #5, American Royal Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO
- 9) 8/1/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #6, American Royal Parking Lot, Kansas City, MO
10 & 11) 8/7 & 8/8/99: SOLOTIME Championship Series and SCCA Midwest Regional Solo II,
Forbes Field, Topeka, KS - 12) 8/15/99: Crown Autocross Club Event #5, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
- 13 & 14) 9/14 & 9/15/99: SCCA Solo II Nationals, Forbes Field, Topeka, KS
- 15) 9/19/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #7, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
- 16 & 17) 10/16/99 & 10/17/99: Kansas City Championship Autocross, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS (note: Event 17 results are final results for the event)
- 18) 10/24/99: Crown Autocross Club Event #8, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS.
- 19) 10/31/99: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #8 "Halloweenie", The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
1999 Results:
Event | Chelsea | Ken | Event | Chelsea | Ken |
1 | 1st! | 5th | 11 | see below | see below |
2 | 1st! | 6th | 12 | see below | see below |
3 | 1st! | 7th | 13 | see below | see below |
4 | did not run | 3rd | 14 | see below | see below |
5 | 1st! | 7th | 15 | 1st! | 2nd |
6 | no points | no points | 16 | 1st! | 3rd |
7 | 1st! | 4th | 17 | 1st! | 1st! |
8 | 1st! | 6th | 18 | did not run | 4th |
9 | see below | see below | 19 | did not run | 3rd |
10 | see below | see below |
NOTE: We didn't run in events 9 through 14 due to Ken's broken wrist.
Chelsea Snyder - 1999 KCRegion SCCA Solo II "C" Street Prepared Ladies Champion
2000 Racing Schedule:
- 1) 3/26/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #1, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
- 2) 4/9/00: Kansas & Kansas City Region Solo II #2, Heartland Park Topeka Paddock, Topeka, KS
- 3) 5/7/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #3 (Charity Event for Camp Quality), The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
- 4) 5/21/00: Charity Event For The Dream Factory By The Crown Autocross Club, Truman Sports Complex, Kansas City, MO
- 5) 7/2/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #4, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS
- 6) 7/16/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #5, Heartland Park Topeka Paddock, Topeka, KS
7 & 8) 8/5 & 8/6/00: SOLOTIME Midwest Division Solo II, Forbes Field, Topeka, KS
(note: event 8 results are final results for the event) - 9) 8/13/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #6, GM Fairfax Assembly Plant, Kansas City, KS.
- 10) 8/27/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #7, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS.
11 & 12) 9/14 & 9/15/00: SCCA Solo II Nationals, Forbes Field, Topeka, KS
(note: event 12 results are final results for the event) - 13 & 14) 9/30/00 & 10/1/00: 5th Annual Kansas City Championship Autocross, The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS. (note: event 14 results are final results for the event)
- 15) 10/29/00: Kansas City Region SCCA Solo II #8 "Halloweenie", The Woodlands, Kansas City, KS.
2000 Results:
Event | Chelsea | Ken | Event | Chelsea | Ken |
1 | 1st! | 5th | 9 | 2nd | 2nd |
2 | did not run | 1st! | 10 | 1st! | 3rd |
3 | see note 1 | see note 1 | 11 | did not run | 30th :-( |
4 | see note 2 | see note 2 | 12 | did not run | 30th :-( |
5 | see note 3 | see note 3 | 13 | see note 4 | see note 4 |
6 | did not run | 5th | 14 | see note 4 | see note 4 |
7 | see note 4 | see note 4 | 15 | 1st! | 2nd |
8 | see note 4 | see note 4 |
1: we didn't run event #3 due to a serious illness in Chelsea's family.
2: we didn't run event #4 due to both of us being ill. Sorry!
3: we didn't compete due to clutch breakage. Oops!
4: we didn't run due to scheduling conflicts. Rrrrr..
Chelsea Snyder - 2000 KCRegion SCCA Solo II "C" Street Prepared Ladies Champion